Client: Wonder Workshop

Projects: Lifecycle Marketing Strategy and direct marketing campaign management

Wonder Workshop needed help developing direct marketing campaigns to improve reach, retention, and revenue, particularly from educators. Rt. 47 developed and implemented email marketing and content marketing strategies to acquire new leads, keep current educator customers engaged, and to move educators from awareness to brand evangelism.

Projects include developing a monthly educator newsletter, revamping the website to transition from a consumer-facing to educator-facing site, working with to develop 3-years of content marketing and social media marketing pieces, and developing segmented messaging and email campaigns to acquire new district, school, and classroom-level educator leads.

Client: The Atlanta Convention & Visitors Bureau

Projects: The Discover Atlanta: Official Guide mobile app, Experience ATL Conference MiniSites, Convention Services Venue Catalog

The Atlanta Convention and Visitor’s Bureau wanted more than a responsive web experience on mobile. In fewer than six months, using the Winistry platform, Rt. 47 was able to deliver and launch a multi-platform mobile app powered by the ACVB’s existing data feeds for restaurants, hotels, events, attractions, blog posts, and more. The app provides a tailored experience for the user based on indicated preferences. The rules engine powering the app experience ensures that relevant information is presented, appropriate notifications are sent, favorites are kept, and recommendations are meaningful.

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Client: Wonder Workshop

Project: Wonder Cup Website

Wonder Workshop needed a new website to host its annual Wonder Cup competition. The site needed to present information, manage member accounts, and accept submissions from competitors. It also needed the site to present a competition leaderboard that updates in real-time. Using the Winistry platform, Rt. 47 was able to deliver a site with that functionality in under two weeks.

Client: Winistry Games

Project: Slot A Day Casino

Winistry Games sought a go-to-market strategy and operational management for its multi-platform, social casino app, Slot A Day. Rt. 47 designed, optimizes, and manages the app’s live events, promotions, loyalty program, meta-game, in-app purchase optimization, and social features to drive audience growth, retention and monetization.
